We made a small pond near the front of the house which is fed intermittently by run off from the hill behind us when it rains (which is not infrequent). It works brilliantly in encouraging midges in the summer, something of an oversight when I designed it.
For several years we have had frogspawn in it and this year is no exception. The first frogspawn this year arrived on Feb 15th, roughly a week earlier than last year and almost three weeks earlier than in 2011. There was more the next day.
Last year tadpoles developed but it was months before only a few developed legs, the rest stayed as tadpoles. This is probably due to low nutrient levels in the pond, and apparently the phenomenon is commoner in the north.
Yesterday was a terrific day, sunny and no wind. It brought out flying insects which were particularly attracted to the warm, south facing fence posts near the shore. On the right, I think, is a Common Flower Bug. There were also spiders just above the grass on the fence posts, quickly moving out of sight when approached. Here again I am guessing but I think on the left is a hunting spider, a Pardosa sp.
We saw otters again. Last Friday the otter family (mother and 2 cubs) were fishing out over the kelp at high tide. There have been lots of suggestions about the most reliable time to see otters and the state of the tide is often mentioned, but from my experience it does not seem to be a big issue. They do though seem to prefer the area of kelp so at high tide it is a deeper dive than at low tide. After 25 minutes the family swam off to the rock holt near croft #1, There are several half eaten rock salmon on the shore line. Then yesterday at dusk we saw what looked like a male otter fishing near the western edge of our croft in Ainort.
I have been making a pine marten box to a design on the Vincent Wildife Trust website. We have only once in 6 years had a pine marten on the croft and it turned up three days running in the early evening for peanut butter sandwiches. I think it got killed on the road some days later. Pine marten are not uncommon on the other side of the Skye Bridge and on this side at Kyleakin, and they are slowly spreading north. Any chicken deaths are usually blamed on them though foxes are probably the more likely culprit.
Anyway the box is ready to go, though as it is heavy and measures 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.25m mounting it 4m high up a tree is not a simple task. All we can do is hope that this new luxurious resting place attracts an animal - though a meteor strike is probably just as likely.
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